VBS is a special event that creates memories that help lock Bible truths in a child’s heart and mind for a lifetime. Birthday parties and other special events have themes that use creativity to evoke feelings of excitement. Games, food, decorations and fun all link together in a total package.The biblical content built into the curriculum lays foundational truths that help kids understand who Jesus is and why they need a personal Savior. The relationships you develop with kids and their families can provide many opportunities to not only show the love of Jesus, but to share the truth of the gospel.VBS offers a chance to pull out all the stops and create an unforgettable experience. Research shows connections made during VBS result in salvations , discovery of church prospects and potential workers for other ongoing children’s programs.VBS offers a chance to pull out all the stops and create an unforgettable experience. Research shows connections made during VBS result in salvations , discovery of church prospects and potential workers for other ongoing children’s programs.The purpose of VBS is to minister children in the church, create outreach to the surrounding communities, and to create evangelism opportunities.